Exposed : Ukraine Dao Cult tactics and manipulation
How Alona Shevchenko poisoned the Pro-Ukraine information space
1-Gaslighting: Not only on her enemies but also on her friends. Her cult members would question someone's sanity and motives. For newcomers who don't know they are coordinated, the 23 cult members seem like many different opinions agreeing that they are at fault. The victim questions their sanity and concedes.
2-Triangulation: Often, cryptodrftng doesn't engage someone directly but would send one of her cult members against a victim who thinks the other person is neutral. Ex: "I don't know, Alona, but you are attacking a Ukrainian woman and should be ashamed of yourself." If the victim doesn't concede, they resort to personal attacks cryptodrftng didn't make. Once the victim loses composure and either makes a mistake or something that looks like one, she will intervene, knowing the work was already done, and start from a position of being mistreated.
3-Projection: Often, cryptodrfntg accuses others of being narcissists and thinking only about themselves, that includes people, organizations, and nations. It's well-established that she is one, but logic doesn't matter if you have a group of cult members. The group will try to intimidate or silence any uncoordinated victim. Twenty-three collective voices will always defeat a lone wolf, even if logic is on their side. Dissidents are attacked early before forming any group; in any dictatorship, paranoia is high.
4-Name-Calling: her cult members often label people as Russian assets or useful idiots or spies, or bad actors. The list goes on. Later, cult members will start using the same vocabulary she used, and, at some point, it sticks. Sometimes even the victim believes they must have done something wrong even if they think they are innocent. They compile lists and share them among themselves. Groupthink is the game's name, but only one person calls the shots (so much for decentralization).
5-Silent Treatment: A widely used technique within the cryptodrftng cult, someone is constantly monitoring and recording everything being said, but you don't just go and comment by yourself. You must coordinate on Discord, report to superiors, and await orders. The idea is if there is no clear defense to something, they hope that by ignoring it, it will get less engagement and impressions, as well as make the victim believe that what you say doesn't even matter. You can't act unless the holy leader authorizes it (like in #RussianArmy).
6-Deflection: cryptodrftng's favorite technique—the best defense is always offense. It takes many ways, but, with Alona, it's whatever the criticism=deflect. Sometimes with profanity or switching the topic to genocide, although the subject could be unrelated, like faking a law degree.
7-Excommunication: Like any cult, cryptodrftng runs a tight ship. Anyone who criticizes her is kicked out and excommunicated by all members. I sent Actuallronclad (aka Portland ) a private DM explaining my concern about Alona's pics being present on escort sites. I said, "it's not my business, but what's around it is" Actuallronclad (or Portland ) sends her the DM and screenshots from another group (if you trust Portland with any sensitive info, think again). I wake up and find aprilsparkles1 (I was very close with) blocked me. On top, about 20 other people I didn't even know or was friends with blocked me simultaneously. I called bonesknight to ask what happened. Jarvis PRogBullwark, very unimpressed, casually said, "oh, you don't know. It's the London group. It's not an accident". At that time, I had no idea that, behind the scenes, cryptodrftng not only controlled aprilsparkles1 but the whole group (Actuallronclad, Vernon is leaking your private DMS**).
8-Sexpionage: That brings us to the other ex-cult member, BrianKemerait, who I forgive since he came clean and wasn't thinking with his head but with something else. She flirted with him and instructed him to spy on us and screenshot every DM in the group, and he did. Since she is average looking to get followers on #instagram, and #Russian erotic models are a dime a dozen, she realized that an anti-Russian brand would do well in the West where the money is. Those pics attract followers who are also pro-Ukraine, all done as an intelligent tactic.
9-Misrepresentation: She would purposefully misrepresent others' statements. It doesn't have to make sense; all that's needed is a group attack that gives the impression the attack is reasonable. The best example was when I said, "spaces are stressful and cause diabetes and high blood pressure" miraculously, she said I was making fun of her disability. Even crazier was the cult members didn't even bother reading the original tweet but blindly believed her.
10-Identity Abuse: This, my friends, is the trump card. This one is a bit different because, on top of the lack of need for logic, there is an inherent disincentive for anyone pointing out the fallacy.
Let me explain: you see a disabled person standing up and going behind people snatching purses, then sitting on a wheelchair before the victim notices. The disabled person also happens to be from a protected class that is historically disadvantaged. You won't lose anything if you shut up. But if you spoke up, you'd have to jump through a few hoops for zero gain, and just asking a disabled person to stand to prove they are not disabled is nasty in itself, along with the 100% chance of the abuser saying you have racist motives. (Not talking about your diabetes Alona, I wish the disease on no one, it's using your identity for personal gain and to shield yourself from criticism we have a problem with).
Decent people prove who they are by their actions, not where they are from. Keep #Ukraine out of your behavior.
11-Coopting: The best example is what #AlonaShevchenko tried to do with #NAFO. When NAFO popped up, whoever started it didn't take credit and wanted it as a grassroots movement with no clear leader. Of course, no clear leader is the funniest thing ever for a decentralized Alona. Grasping the opportunity of a power vacuum, Alona decided to declare herself the favorite #NAFO girl. Of course, a few #SexyMondays later, some simps took no issue with the prospect. But then problems kept happening, and with every problem, her name was invariably in it. Since crytpodrftng is highly controversial (drama sells), some #NAFO fellas grew sick of it little by little. Even though #NAFO is decentralized, some members who are significant for other reasons have a collective say. Repeated coopting attempts failed, so Alona is now going after #NAFO.
She is full of venom and vengeance for her enemies, even the strongest supporters of #Ukraine, even frontline soldiers.
12-Stepping Stones: That's a Narcissist classic for which people are used and discarded. For example, pre-2022, not many knew or cared who cryptodrfing was. When she started the "decentralized" DOA (yes, she did start it), she looked for connections. Here comes Pussy Riot's role. At that time, they both hated #Putin but loved #Russia. Unlike her, pussyrrriot are very well known; she knows them, let's say, "they have a lot of interests in common" She planned to use them to get money and fame, then kick them out once the job was done. It worked out perfectly.
13-Playing the Victim: Often, cryptodrftng and sometimes using cult members (triangulation) would attack someone out of the blue, that someone should suck it up and go to a room corner and cry. When they do fight back, the victim card is always ready. Although clearly what cryptodrftng cares about are money and fame (ask VitalikButerin), the usual "I am facing genocide" and a list of disabilities come. Both disabilities and the genocide are genuine, but the issue is if I tell you why you don't criticize VitalikButerin for voicing support of #Russians fleeing #Russia with a Z sign. Your answer is because I am facing genocide in #Mayfair and had to leave #Ukraine because of my dog, then there are some severe logic and priority problems.
14-Guilt Tripping: As we all know, no one or almost no one in the Ukraine dao makes money except cryptodrftng. Even people who do actual work don't get paid. She doesn't share; all you'll get is a guilt trip. You see, you have to feel guilty. Reasons change; you might be of German heritage, you might be a man, you might have something against narcissists (that's personal for her), from the West, you might be a woman who doesn't like her (then feel guilty about internalized misogyny) again, nothing needs to make sense.
15-Smear Campaign: That's the final one since that's her job (in case you didn't know, her career is to tweet). Every day, cryptodrftng holiness descends from Downing Street to judge humanity with a highly complex test: "Does that thing like me or not?" (You are a thing for her if you are a heretic (proud blasphemous heretic here) then cryptodrftng works backward to reverse engineer a reason to find you guilty of #Alonophobia. Different infractions lead to other names, ranging from katsap to vatnik (not you VitalikButerin, don't worry, she likes you). She has her reasons; everyone has to deal with their demons, but that doesn't make it right. A crime is a crime; cyberbullying is cyberbullying, embezzlement is embezzlement, and they are all very wrong.